Web Quest
МАТЕРИАЛЫ К УЧЕБНИКУ Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю. Happy English.ru для 4 класса
Веб квест к разделу 3 учебника для 4 класса. MAGIC SCHOOLS
Веб квесты к учебнику К.А. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман Happy English.ru 5, т.е для 5 класса. Разделы 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7
Веб квест к разделу 8:
What do we celebrate ?
In many countries people celebrate the same holidays. They celebrate Christmas and Easter, New Year’s Day, Mother Day, May Day, Halloween, Valentine’s Day.
Many festivals and holidays in Britain are very old and original. For example St Hillary’s feast day. The coldest day in the year. People in Britain celebrate it from 1205.
Coldest Winters in Britain
Six of the coldest winters in British recorded history (since 1684) were in the last 6 years of the 17th century/
The River Thames froze for more than two months.
1739-40 (from December 1739)
Temperatures dropped to -9C
Mid January: Great blizzard raged across the whole of the south laying down more than 2ft (60cm) of level snow in places.
18 January: York's maximum temperature was -7.8C, and,
25 January: a minimum of -21.7C was recorded at Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk.
One of the heaviest snowfalls of the 20th century.
Kent: 2ft of level snow
Drifts of 20ft were measured in the Chilterns.
February: In parts of the north, Wales and the Midlands, there were 48 hours of continuous snowfall. Huddersfield had over 2ft of lying snow, drifts of 14ft were measured on Yorkshire's moors and dales, and villages were cut off from the Midlands to the Scottish borders.
January: Very cold, only 1963's was worse. Mid-month, the Thames froze for the first time since 1880. There were heavy snows (4ft in Sheffield).
23 January: Th start of one of the greatest periods of lying snows in British history.
March: Scottish borders had drifts of 24ft
29 March: A temperature of -21C was recorded in Essex
January 1963: Coldest since 1814, with -16C recorded at Gatwick on the 13th, -20.6C in Hertfordshire
Drifts of up to 15ft. Snow laid for 67 consecutive days over much of Britain until early March.
Sea frozen off the south coast.
Thames at Shepperton - ice so thick that two grown men could sit mid-stream on chairs.
Tredegar in Wales, a severe early February snowstorm caused record urban drifts of over 5ft.
January's temperature averaged -0.4C, with continuous frosts and snowfalls.
100 DAYS OF HEAVY SNOW: Britain now facing worst winter in SIXTY YEARS warn forecasters.
LONG-RANGE weather forecasters have warned that Britain should prepare for heavy and persistent snow for up to THREE MONTHS , and winter 2013 will be the worst in more than 60 years.
January can bring the worst weather although Britain will shiver in below-average temperatures for the next three months (temperatures low as -15C (5F).
This is certainly a record-breaking and historical weather period which is one of the coldest and snowiest starts to British New Year in a very long time.
Brrr… UK Suffers Longest Winter in 50 Years – Cold Responsible For 5,000 Deaths
(Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, March 25, 2013, 12:20 AM)
Some new words you may need:
drifts – сугробы
to drift – наметатьсугробы
record - рекордный
urban – городской
mid - середина
mid-stream – посреди реки ((течения, потока)
consecutive - последующий
borders – границы пределы
ft = foot (=30 cm)
suffer – пострадавший
warn - предостерегать, предупреждать
Read the text above and make a table about the winter weather. There may be columns in the table such as
- years,
- date,
- places,
- temperature,
- ft of lying snow or drifts.
The weather in Russia at the moment
Is such weather in winter unusual for the place where you live?
Describe the weather now in your city, town, village and what you and your relatives and friends are doing now. Use Present Progressive (Continuous) .
Before doing repeat the grammar rules in your Student Book (pages 211-212, 200, 265-269).
Choose any picture and describe it. Выберите любую из предложенных фотографий или любой из рисунков и составь по ней (нему) рассказ. Используй свою фантазию: Что ты видишь на картинке, с чего могла начаться вся история , почему сейчас герои картинок делают то, что делают, о чем размышляют (bethinkingabout).
Ссылки в интернете и информация
Иногда по адресу фотографии, картинки или текста в интернете (по ссылке) можно определить, дату публикации и даже место, где происходит изображенное. Есть ли такие данные в ссылках на данные фотографии и рисунки (1-9)?
Посмотрите видео о зиме в январе 2013 г. в районе графства Кент недалеко от города Танбридж Уэллз, где живет Роб.
Смотрите также веб квесты к предыдущим разделам УМК К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман Happy English.ru 5 (4):
http://svetakach.jimdo.com/web-quest-heru5-4-un-5/ Nessie
http://svetakach.jimdo.com/web-quest-heru5-4-un6/ Seasons, Dates and Birthdays
http://www49.jimdo.com/app/s2db56f590c29a78c/p7e017bf0a9d79dce/ - степени сравнения прилагательных, Оригинальные музеи Эдинбурга и Малоярославца - проект
http://svetakach.jimdo.com/web-quest-heru5-4-un-7/ веб квест к разделу 7